Smashing Superstar Full Kit + SLP Black Brass Snare

This Tama Superstar Birch is one beast of a drumkit, captured with top notch equipment to give you the drumsound you need.
This pack also includes the awesome SLP Black Brass Snare
Don't believe it? Listen here :
The drums in these files are processed but the drum samples are raw, so you can process them according to taste.
The cymbals in the sounds are coming from Ezdrummer, no cymbals are in this pack (definitely in the future!)
What was used/what you'll get :
Bassdrum In - Audix D6
Bassdrum Out - SE Electronics SE2200a MkII
Snare Top - Audix i5
Snare Bottom - Shure SM57
Rack Tom 1 - Audix D2
Rack Tom 2 - Audix D2
Floor Tom 1 - Audix D4
Floor Tom 2 - Audio Technica ATM25
Drum Overheads - Oktava MK012
Samples come in the following format :
WAV 44,1 KHZ & 24 BIT
Slate Trigger TCI
Much thanks for Against Decay for letting me use their great song, give them some love on their Facebook